суббота, 25 октября 2014 г.

Traditional turkish dessert. Lokma.

The lokma - delicious Turkish dessert made from sugar, yeast and flour. The dessert usually served with the sugar syrup or honey.

You will never find the lokma in a sweet-shop, supermarket or cafe and restaurant. The lokma is a kind of street food. In Istanbul it sells open air and not everywhere.


The lokma is very gooey, that`s why it is always served with a toothpicks. You should thread the lokma with a toothpick and put it to your mouth and enjoy the taste.

Lokma is very old traditional turkish dessert that is famous from The Ottoman Empire and popular till nowdays. 

How to cook The Lokma.


For lokma.
  1. 1,25 cup of warm water;
  2. 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  3. 1 teaspoon of yeast;
  4. 1 teaspoon of salt;
  5. oil;
  6. 2,2 cup of flour.
 For the syrup.
  1. 1,3 cup of water;
  2. 3 cups of sugar;
  3. 2 big spoon of lemon juice.
Put sugar and yeast to the warm water and mix it till sugar and yeast will melt. Leave it for 10 minutes. Put flour and salt to a bowl and mix. Add warm water with sugar and yeast and mix again. Cover it and leave it in a warm area for two hours. Then make small balls usung a spoon and hands.
Heat the oil and put balls into the oil and fright it two minutes on each side.

Mix all ingredients for the syrup and put hot, frighted balls into the syrup.

Bon appetite!


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