Trip to Istanbul

A lot of tourists arrive to Istanbul every hour with a view to see one of the most beautiful city in the World. The city of contrasts. With a mix of ancient and modern, deep traditions and modernity.
If you are interested in a trip to Istanbul, it`s not necessary to run to a touristic agency and to buy the package trip or excursions. The most interesting places you can visit making your own plan of a trip to Istanbul.

If you are going to make a trip to Istanbul, I strongly advice you to bring a camera. Istanbul - one of the most amazing cities for a photographers. You can make here a lot of incredible photos.

Istanbul is divided by two main parts: European part of Istanbul and Asian part of Istanbul. Between that two parts runs The Bosphorus.

The most interesting and famous places and objects are placed on the European side, however on the Asian side you can also find a lot of famous and wonderful places. So, I advice you to visit both parts of Istanbul during your trip in Istanbul

Very close to Istanbul, approximately 35 minutes by ship you can reach Prince`s Islands. The biggest one have name Buyukada (Big Island).

During your trip in Istanbul I advice you to use public transport, walk as much as possible. Because, to see that amazing city from the window of a taxi and walking just in touristic areas will not show you the real Istanbul. 

To use public transport you will need to buy the Istanbulkart - electronic contact card to enter stations and government transport.

You can buy that card in the airport or near the ship stations or in some shops, where you can see the table with a writing "Istanbulkart".

So, which places in Istanbul you have to see first of all, planning your trip? Lets run an eye over the list of some places on the Asian side of Istanbul and the European side of Istanbul.

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