воскресенье, 23 ноября 2014 г.

Turkish simit

One of the most famous turkish bread simit. You can find it everywhere in Istanbul, near the farry boat station, on the street.

If you have been in Istanbul, I am sure that you have seen the simit. It is not possible not to see, because it is everywhere. On the streets you can buy it in small carts or in market stalls.

So, what the simit is? The simit - is a very tasty, round bread, strewn with sesame. Usually, in Turkey, people eat simit with a tea, served in a special small glasses.

Young people like to feed sea gulls with simit from the deck of a ferry boat. Flock of sea gulls, that are used to be feeding in that way, just attack the boat and catch small pieces of simit in the air. 

You can follow the link with a video in our YouTube channel to see how enjoyable it is.

Turkish simit recipe

 Ingredients for simit:
  • Flour (3 cups);
  • Salt (2 tsp);
  • Water (1 cup);
  • Sesame;
  • Yeast (1 tbs);
  •  Oil (1 tbs);
  • Molasses (4 tbs)/
Mix a flour with a yeast, salt and vegetable oil in a deep bowl till the homogeneous consistence of the dough. Cover it with a plastic wrap and let it grow up at least one hour. 

Take another deep bowl and mix molasses with a tbs of water.

Cut dough for six parts, roll to make long "tubes", and twist tubes together, connect two sides to make a circle.

Dip simit in to the molasses and then dip it to the sesame. Again leave dough to rise for an hour and then put it to the fridge and bake 25 minutes on 220C.

Bon appetite! Affiet Olsun!

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