понедельник, 22 сентября 2014 г.

What to see in Istanbul. Day 3.

Hello again! )

I hope you was enjoying traveling these two days with me and want to advice you where will be better to go on your 3 day of your trip in Istanbul. 

You can double check plans for previous trips in Istanbul, reading articles: What to see in Istanbul. Day 1 and What to see in Istanbul. Day 2.

Today we will discover the Asian side of Istanbul. We will visit the Kadikoy, Camlica hill, Beylerbey palace and Yoros castle.

Lets start with the Kadikoy area.

The Kadikoy

Kadikoy is one of the oldest area of Istanbul. And nowadays one of the most popular place for tourists and turkish people. 
Here you can see the old railway station Haydarpasha (Haydarpasa), that was opened at 1908. It is really cute and interesting place. You can see Haydarpasa from the pier of Kadikoy or walking closer to see it inside.


If you remember the Nostalgic Tramway that we was using during our second day trip in Istanbul in the Taksim square, maybe, you also remember we was talking about another one ancient Nostalgic Tramway. That Tramway you can see in the Kadikoy area. And that tramway makes a cycle around the Kadikoy area and around one of the most famous, beautiful and central street of the Asian side of Istanbul - Moda street.

The Kadikoy area is very crowded. A lot of small and thin streets are running up along the buildings from the Kadikoy pier. On that small and very crowded streets are a mix of cafes with an open-air areas, a lot of shops, tourists are moving absolutely chaotically, a live music in some areas near the restaurants and a lot of cats, so you should be careful, watching under your feet, not to make a cat`s accident. )) 





The Kadikoy is very different in the evening and in the day time. In the day time it`s more look like just a crowded area with a people and a businessmen who are rushing somewhere, a lot of cars, a lot of noise. But at the evening the Kadikoy area transformed in a night life area. So, I advice you to visit the Kadikoy at last twice. In the day time and at the late evening. 

From the Kadikoy square we will go to the Camlica hill.

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica hill is one of the most highest point in Istanbul. That`s why here are located all TV and radio towers. The Camlica is about 268 meters above the sea level. And from that place you can see absolutely increasable panorama of Istanbul and Bosphorus. 

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

The Camlica Hill

 To get to the Camlica Hill you can from the Kadikoy taking a bus # 14D, 14F, 14R or 14K to «Turistik Camlica Tesisleri» station. 

Near the entrance to the Camlica hill I strongly advice you to stop in the Chomlek (Comlek) restaurant and thy their famous dish with beans. You can try that delicious dish just in that restaurant, because the secret of how do they cook it so amazing they keep in secret.

In the Comlek restaurant you can choose an area where to sit. There are two options. You can sit in a hall and enjoy the view from the windows.
Or you can sit in the area with an observation deck.

 But, you have to know that that area will move. Very slowly ofcouse, but will move around, to let all guests see the view from the windows. 
That area is open in the summer time.

And in the cold period of time, windows are closed and you can look outside throw the glass.


 After eating amazing beans in the Comlek restaurant on the Camlica hill, we will go to see the ruins of the Yoros castle. To go to that place you will better take a taxi. You can easily ask an administrator in the Comlek restaurant to call a taxi for you. Or if you know how, you can do it by yourself. 
Road to Yoros Castle will take about 20 minutes. 
After coming to the mountain with the Yoros castle, climb up to see it.





 You can also drink a coffee or a tea in the amazing cafe on the top of the mountain.
From the Yoros you can take a taxi to our last destination - Beylerbey palace.

In the Beylerbey castle is forbidden to make a photos. Also, you will be allowed to enter the palace just with a guide, that will tell you all about that place in English. Maybe, you will just need to sit few minutes and wait till some other tourists will join you, because they don`t make an excursions for a group of people less then 6 person.But, places are popular and I am sure that you will not wait for a long time. 


Till you are waiting you can walk in a garden near the Beylerbey castle, close to the sea.









Going back from the Beylerbey castle to the Kadikoy, you can easily. Just go out from the territory of castle and in front of you will be the bus station. Wait a bus that will take you to the Kadikoy.

Please, find a plan for the fourth day of the trip in Istanbul in the post What to see in Istanbul. Day 4.

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